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Full Color Rigid Sintra Signs for indoor or outdoor use - cheaper than aluminum, smoother than coroplast
& completely water & ding resistant, unlike foam core.

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Welcome to SintraBoard(tm):
Sintra Rigid PVC Signs Printed in Full Color with Fade Resistant Inks for Indoor or Outdoor Use

Give us a call at 216.227.8521 or email us.

PVC board (SintraBoard(tm)), unlike foam board, is resistant to crumpling corners or impression denting and can be used both indoor and outdoor. PVC board (SintraBoard(tm)), unlike Coroplast, has a smooth print receptive surface. PVC board (SintraBoard(tm)) is water-resistant and the print is UV-resistant. These inexpensive substrates come in 1/16' (1.5 mm), 1/8" (3 mm), 3/16" (5 mm) or 1/4" (6 mm) thicknesses. They fit in most display stands or can be grommetted and hung or used on an easel or for the thicker boards can be left standing by a wall.

Others have called this product cintra or syntra or sentra, but sintra is the correct spelling.

The maximum size SintraBoard(tm) we print is 4' High X 8'Wide, though shipping on sizes that large can be quite expensive unless enough are ordered to use a freight shipping service.

Our prints are digital (full color), normally at 720 x 720 resolution. Double side printing is available and cost effective - it often makes sense to print the back side for use at a later date or different time of day, say for lunch or dinner specials. Our inks are waterproof and UV safe and will last for years under normal conditions.

We directly print onto our SintraBoard(tm) material common uses include: sign displays, events, advertising, presentations and more. In addition to being waterproof, tear-resistant and ding and impression independent, our SintraBoard(tm) is flame retardant, resists acid and alkali, will not decay, light weight, a heat and sound insulator, has shock absorption capabilities.

We do not recommend art with borders. If you would like borders please make sure they are at least 2" thick. On double sided orders, the 2 sides can often have different art - please inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

NOTE: As long as your boards are the same size, some of our boards allow for grouping different arts to get the quantity discount. For example, if your order is for 5 18x24's boards, you can get 3 of one type, 1 of a second type and 1 of a third type. Please look for notes associated with appropriate tables below.

We will guide your art toward the highest print quality. We suggest your art be in CMYK mode and in vector form or have a resolution of 200 dpi with bleeds 1/2" all around. If you don't know what we are talking about, just ask. Please use the links below to discover our wonderful pricing by SintraBoard(tm) thickness:

1.5 mm or 1/16" SintraBoard(tm) Sintra
3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard(tm) Sintra - commmonly used
5 mm or 3/16" SintraBoard(tm) Sintra
6 mm or 1/4" SintraBoard(tm) Sintra - commmonly used
3 mm (1/8") or 6 mm (1/4") SintraBoard(tm) Sintra sold by the board - commmonly used

1.5 mm or 1/16" SintraBoard(tm) Sintra

SintraBoard™ 1.5 mm or 1/16" sintra board is printed in full color, for indoor or outdoor use with fade resistant inks

1.5 mm or 1/16" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one side, full color
These signs originate from Los Angeles & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $34 $38 $42 $46 $50 $69 $108 $128 $147 $186 $225 $405
1.5x1 $36 $42 $48 $53 $59 $89 $147 $176 $206 $264 $323 $563
1x2 $38 $46 $53 $61 $69 $108 $186 $225 $264 $342 $405 $744
1.5x2 $42 $53 $65 $77 $89 $147 $264 $323 $381 $480 $563 $1,125
1x3 $42 $53 $65 $77 $89 $147 $264 $323 $381 $480 $563 $1,125
2x2 $46 $61 $77 $92 $108 $186 $342 $405 $480 $600 $744 $1,500
1x4 $46 $61 $77 $92 $108 $186 $342 $405 $480 $600 $744 $1,500
5x1 $50 $69 $89 $108 $128 $225 $405 $499 $563 $744 $930 $1,875
6x1 $53 $77 $100 $124 $147 $264 $480 $563 $670 $893 $1,125 $2,250
2x3 $53 $77 $100 $124 $147 $264 $480 $563 $670 $893 $1,125 $2,250
7x1 $57 $85 $112 $139 $167 $303 $525 $651 $781 $1,050 $1,313 $2,625
8x1 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $600 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
2x4 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $600 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
3x3 $65 $100 $135 $170 $206 $381 $670 $837 $1,013 $1,350 $1,688 $3,375
5x2 $69 $108 $147 $186 $225 $420 $744 $938 $1,125 $1,500 $1,875 $3,750
6x2 $77 $124 $170 $217 $264 $498 $900 $1,125 $1,350 $1,800 $2,250 $4,500
3x4 $77 $124 $170 $217 $264 $498 $900 $1,125 $1,350 $1,800 $2,250 $4,500
7x2 $85 $139 $194 $248 $303 $525 $1,050 $1,313 $1,575 $2,100 $2,625 $5,250
5x3 $89 $147 $206 $264 $323 $563 $1,125 $1,406 $1,688 $2,250 $2,813 $5,625
8x2 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $600 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
4x4 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $600 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
6x3 $100 $170 $241 $311 $381 $670 $1,350 $1,688 $2,025 $2,700 $3,375 $6,750
5x4 $108 $186 $264 $342 $405 $744 $1,500 $1,875 $2,250 $3,000 $3,750 $7,500
7x3 $112 $194 $276 $358 $424 $788 $1,575 $1,969 $2,363 $3,150 $3,938 $7,875
8x3 $124 $217 $311 $404 $480 $900 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 $9,000
6x4 $124 $217 $311 $404 $480 $900 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 $9,000
7x4 $139 $248 $358 $450 $525 $1,050 $2,100 $2,625 $3,150 $4,200 $5,250 $10,500
8x4 $155 $280 $404 $510 $590 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $12,000

1.5 mm or 1/16" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed two sides, full color
These signs originate from Los Angeles & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $35 $39 $44 $48 $53 $76 $121 $144 $167 $212 $258 $468
1.5x1 $37 $44 $50 $57 $64 $98 $167 $201 $235 $303 $371 $656
1x2 $39 $48 $57 $66 $76 $121 $212 $258 $303 $394 $468 $875
1.5x2 $44 $57 $71 $85 $98 $167 $303 $371 $424 $525 $651 $1,313
1x3 $44 $57 $71 $85 $98 $167 $303 $371 $424 $525 $651 $1,313
2x2 $48 $66 $85 $103 $121 $212 $394 $468 $525 $694 $875 $1,750
1x4 $48 $66 $85 $103 $121 $212 $394 $468 $525 $694 $875 $1,750
5x1 $53 $76 $98 $121 $144 $258 $468 $547 $651 $875 $1,094 $2,188
6x1 $57 $85 $112 $139 $167 $303 $525 $651 $781 $1,050 $1,313 $2,625
2x3 $57 $85 $112 $139 $167 $303 $525 $651 $781 $1,050 $1,313 $2,625
7x1 $62 $94 $126 $157 $189 $349 $613 $760 $919 $1,225 $1,531 $3,063
8x1 $66 $103 $139 $176 $212 $394 $694 $875 $1,050 $1,400 $1,750 $3,500
2x4 $66 $103 $139 $176 $212 $394 $694 $875 $1,050 $1,400 $1,750 $3,500
3x3 $71 $112 $153 $194 $235 $424 $781 $984 $1,181 $1,575 $1,969 $3,938
5x2 $76 $121 $167 $212 $258 $468 $875 $1,094 $1,313 $1,750 $2,188 $4,375
6x2 $85 $139 $194 $248 $303 $525 $1,050 $1,313 $1,575 $2,100 $2,625 $5,250
3x4 $85 $139 $194 $248 $303 $525 $1,050 $1,313 $1,575 $2,100 $2,625 $5,250
7x2 $94 $157 $221 $285 $349 $613 $1,225 $1,531 $1,838 $2,450 $3,063 $6,125
5x3 $98 $167 $235 $303 $371 $651 $1,313 $1,641 $1,969 $2,625 $3,281 $6,563
8x2 $103 $176 $248 $321 $394 $694 $1,400 $1,750 $2,100 $2,800 $3,500 $7,000
4x4 $103 $176 $248 $321 $394 $694 $1,400 $1,750 $2,100 $2,800 $3,500 $7,000
6x3 $112 $194 $276 $358 $424 $781 $1,575 $1,969 $2,363 $3,150 $3,938 $7,875
5x4 $121 $212 $303 $394 $468 $875 $1,750 $2,188 $2,625 $3,500 $4,375 $8,750
7x3 $126 $221 $317 $412 $489 $919 $1,838 $2,297 $2,756 $3,675 $4,594 $9,188
8x3 $139 $248 $358 $450 $525 $1,050 $2,100 $2,625 $3,150 $4,200 $5,250 $10,500
6x4 $139 $248 $358 $450 $525 $1,050 $2,100 $2,625 $3,150 $4,200 $5,250 $10,500
7x4 $157 $285 $412 $520 $613 $1,225 $2,450 $3,063 $3,675 $4,900 $6,125 $12,250
8x4 $176 $321 $450 $560 $694 $1,400 $2,800 $3,500 $4,200 $5,600 $7,000 $14,000

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard(tm) Sintra

SintraBoard™ 3 mm or 1/8" sintra board is printed in full color, for indoor or outdoor use with fade resistant inks

This table has SintraBoard™ sintra board originating from San Francisco (top), Cincinnati (middle) and San Diego. The Cincinnati sintra
board is a bit higher; but may work better for those on the East Coast when ship time and cost is figured in. The San Diego sintra
board price is very low for the full color printed two sides.

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one side, full color
These signs originate just outside of San Francisco & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $34 $38 $42 $46 $50 $69 $108 $128 $147 $186 $225 $405
1.5x1 $36 $42 $48 $53 $59 $89 $147 $176 $206 $264 $323 $558
1x2 $38 $46 $53 $61 $69 $108 $186 $225 $264 $342 $405 $744
1.5x2 $42 $53 $65 $77 $89 $147 $264 $323 $381 $480 $558 $1,125
1x3 $42 $53 $65 $77 $89 $147 $264 $323 $381 $480 $558 $1,125
2x2 $46 $61 $77 $92 $108 $186 $342 $405 $480 $595 $744 $1,500
1x4 $46 $61 $77 $92 $108 $186 $342 $405 $480 $595 $744 $1,500
5x1 $50 $69 $89 $108 $128 $225 $405 $499 $558 $744 $938 $1,875
6x1 $53 $77 $100 $124 $147 $264 $480 $558 $670 $900 $1,125 $2,250
2x3 $53 $77 $100 $124 $147 $264 $480 $558 $670 $900 $1,125 $2,250
7x1 $57 $85 $112 $139 $167 $303 $521 $651 $781 $1,050 $1,313 $2,625
8x1 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $595 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
2x4 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $595 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
3x3 $65 $100 $135 $170 $206 $381 $670 $837 $1,013 $1,350 $1,688 $3,375
5x2 $69 $108 $147 $186 $225 $405 $744 $938 $1,125 $1,500 $1,875 $3,750
6x2 $77 $124 $170 $217 $264 $480 $900 $1,125 $1,350 $1,800 $2,250 $4,500
3x4 $77 $124 $170 $217 $264 $480 $900 $1,125 $1,350 $1,800 $2,250 $4,500
7x2 $85 $139 $194 $248 $303 $521 $1,050 $1,313 $1,575 $2,100 $2,625 $5,250
5x3 $89 $147 $206 $264 $323 $558 $1,125 $1,406 $1,688 $2,250 $2,813 $5,625
8x2 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $595 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
4x4 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $595 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
6x3 $100 $170 $241 $311 $381 $670 $1,350 $1,688 $2,025 $2,700 $3,375 $6,750
5x4 $108 $186 $264 $342 $405 $744 $1,500 $1,875 $2,250 $3,000 $3,750 $7,500
7x3 $112 $194 $276 $358 $424 $781 $1,575 $1,969 $2,363 $3,150 $3,938 $7,875
8x3 $124 $217 $311 $404 $480 $900 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 $9,000
6x4 $124 $217 $311 $404 $480 $900 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 $9,000
7x4 $139 $248 $358 $450 $521 $1,050 $2,100 $2,625 $3,150 $4,200 $5,250 $10,500
8x4 $155 $280 $404 $510 $595 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $12,000
add 1% or 2% for grommets from our San Francisco SintraBoard™ full color sintra board signs

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed two sides, full color
These signs originate just outside of San Francisco & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
NOTE: As long as your boards are the same size, you can group different arts and get the quantity discount.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $38 $46 $53 $61 $69 $108 $186 $225 $264 $342 $405 $744
1.5x1 $42 $53 $65 $77 $89 $147 $264 $323 $381 $480 $558 $1,125
1x2 $46 $61 $77 $92 $108 $186 $342 $405 $480 $595 $744 $1,500
1.5x2 $53 $77 $100 $124 $147 $264 $480 $558 $670 $900 $1,125 $2,250
1x3 $53 $77 $100 $124 $147 $264 $480 $558 $670 $900 $1,125 $2,250
2x2 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $595 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
1x4 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $595 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
5x1 $69 $108 $147 $186 $225 $405 $744 $938 $1,125 $1,500 $1,875 $3,750
6x1 $77 $124 $170 $217 $264 $480 $900 $1,125 $1,350 $1,800 $2,250 $4,500
2x3 $77 $124 $170 $217 $264 $480 $900 $1,125 $1,350 $1,800 $2,250 $4,500
7x1 $85 $139 $194 $248 $303 $521 $1,050 $1,313 $1,575 $2,100 $2,625 $5,250
8x1 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $595 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
2x4 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $595 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
3x3 $100 $170 $241 $311 $381 $670 $1,350 $1,688 $2,025 $2,700 $3,375 $6,750
5x2 $108 $186 $264 $342 $405 $744 $1,500 $1,875 $2,250 $3,000 $3,750 $7,500
6x2 $124 $217 $311 $404 $480 $900 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 $9,000
3x4 $124 $217 $311 $404 $480 $900 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 $9,000
7x2 $139 $248 $358 $450 $521 $1,050 $2,100 $2,625 $3,150 $4,200 $5,250 $10,500
5x3 $147 $264 $381 $480 $558 $1,125 $2,250 $2,813 $3,375 $4,500 $5,625 $11,250
8x2 $155 $280 $404 $510 $595 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $12,000
4x4 $155 $280 $404 $510 $595 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $12,000
6x3 $170 $311 $435 $536 $670 $1,350 $2,700 $3,375 $4,050 $5,400 $6,750 $13,500
5x4 $186 $342 $480 $595 $744 $1,500 $3,000 $3,750 $4,500 $6,000 $7,500 $15,000
7x3 $194 $358 $503 $625 $781 $1,575 $3,150 $3,938 $4,725 $6,300 $7,875 $15,750
8x3 $217 $404 $536 $714 $900 $1,800 $3,600 $4,500 $5,400 $7,200 $9,000 $18,000
6x4 $217 $404 $536 $714 $900 $1,800 $3,600 $4,500 $5,400 $7,200 $9,000 $18,000
7x4 $248 $450 $625 $833 $1,050 $2,100 $4,200 $5,250 $6,300 $8,400 $10,500 $21,000
8x4 $280 $510 $714
$1,200 $2,400 $4,800 $6,000 $7,200 $9,600 $12,000 $24,000
add 1% or 2% for grommets from our San Francisco SintraBoard™ full color sintra board signs

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one side, full color
These signs originate from Cincinnati & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $35 $39 $44 $49 $54 $77 $124 $148 $171 $218 $265 $483
1.5x1 $37 $44 $51 $58 $65 $101 $171 $206 $242 $312 $383 $673
1x2 $39 $49 $58 $68 $77 $124 $218 $265 $312 $406 $483 $905
1.5x2 $44 $58 $72 $86 $101 $171 $312 $383 $437 $539 $673 $1,358
1x3 $44 $58 $72 $86 $101 $171 $312 $383 $437 $539 $673 $1,358
2x2 $49 $68 $86 $105 $124 $218 $406 $483 $539 $718 $905 $1,810
1x4 $49 $68 $86 $105 $124 $218 $406 $483 $539 $718 $905 $1,810
2x3 $58 $86 $115 $143 $171 $312 $539 $673 $808 $1,086 $1,358 $2,715
2x4 $68 $105 $143 $181 $218 $406 $718 $905 $1,086 $1,448 $1,810 $3,620
3x3 $72 $115 $157 $199 $242 $437 $808 $1,018 $1,222 $1,629 $2,036 $4,073
3x4 $86 $143 $199 $256 $312 $539 $1,086 $1,358 $1,629 $2,172 $2,715 $5,430
4x4 $105 $181 $256 $331 $406 $718 $1,448 $1,810 $2,172 $2,896 $3,620 $7,240

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed two sides, full color
These signs originate from Cincinnati & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $38 $47 $55 $64 $72 $115 $200 $242 $285 $370 $438 $810
1.5x1 $43 $55 $68 $81 $94 $157 $285 $348 $412 $520 $607 $1,224
1x2 $47 $64 $81 $98 $115 $200 $370 $438 $520 $648 $810 $1,633
1.5x2 $55 $81 $106 $132 $157 $285 $520 $607 $729 $980 $1,224 $2,449
1x3 $55 $81 $106 $132 $157 $285 $520 $607 $729 $980 $1,224 $2,449
2x2 $64 $98 $132 $166 $200 $370 $648 $810 $980 $1,306 $1,633 $3,265
1x4 $64 $98 $132 $166 $200 $370 $648 $810 $980 $1,306 $1,633 $3,265
2x3 $81 $132 $183 $234 $285 $520 $980 $1,224 $1,469 $1,959 $2,449 $4,898
2x4 $98 $166 $234 $302 $370 $648 $1,306 $1,633 $1,959 $2,612 $3,265 $6,530
3x3 $106 $183 $259 $336 $412 $735 $1,469 $1,837 $2,204 $2,939 $3,673 $7,346
3x4 $132 $234 $336 $422 $520 $980 $1,959 $2,449 $2,939 $3,918 $4,898 $9,795
4x4 $166 $302 $422 $518 $648 $1,306 $2,612 $3,265 $3,918 $5,224 $6,530 $13,060

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one side, full color
These signs originate from San Diego & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
NOTE: As long as your boards are the same size, you can group different arts and get the quantity discount.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $34 $38 $43 $47 $51 $72 $114 $135 $156 $198 $241 $435
1.5x1 $36 $43 $49 $55 $62 $93 $156 $188 $220 $283 $346 $603
1x2 $38 $47 $55 $64 $72 $114 $198 $241 $283 $367 $435 $804
1.5x2 $43 $55 $68 $81 $93 $156 $283 $346 $409 $516 $603 $1,215
1x3 $43 $55 $68 $81 $93 $156 $283 $346 $409 $516 $603 $1,215
2x2 $47 $64 $81 $97 $114 $198 $367 $435 $516 $643 $804 $1,620
1x4 $47 $64 $81 $97 $114 $198 $367 $435 $516 $643 $804 $1,620
2x3 $55 $81 $106 $131 $156 $283 $516 $603 $723 $972 $1,215 $2,430
2x4 $64 $97 $131 $165 $198 $367 $643 $804 $972 $1,296 $1,620 $3,240
3x3 $68 $106 $144 $182 $220 $409 $723 $911 $1,094 $1,458 $1,823 $3,645
3x4 $81 $131 $182 $232 $283 $516 $972 $1,215 $1,458 $1,944 $2,430 $4,860
4x4 $97 $165 $232 $300 $367 $643 $1,296 $1,620 $1,944 $2,592 $3,240 $6,480

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed two sides, full color
These signs originate from San Diego & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
NOTE: As long as your boards are the same size, you can group different arts and get the quantity discount.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $37 $44 $50 $57 $64 $98 $166 $200 $234 $302 $371 $650
1.5x1 $40 $50 $61 $71 $81 $132 $234 $285 $337 $423 $521 $983
1x2 $44 $57 $71 $84 $98 $166 $302 $371 $423 $520 $650 $1,310
1.5x2 $50 $71 $91 $112 $132 $234 $423 $521 $585 $780 $983 $1,965
1x3 $50 $71 $91 $112 $132 $234 $423 $521 $585 $780 $983 $1,965
2x2 $57 $84 $112 $139 $166 $302 $520 $650 $780 $1,048 $1,310 $2,620
1x4 $57 $84 $112 $139 $166 $302 $520 $650 $780 $1,048 $1,310 $2,620
2x3 $71 $112 $153 $193 $234 $423 $780 $983 $1,179 $1,572 $1,965 $3,930
2x4 $84 $139 $193 $248 $302 $520 $1,048 $1,310 $1,572 $2,096 $2,620 $5,240
3x3 $91 $153 $214 $275 $337 $585 $1,179 $1,474 $1,769 $2,358 $2,948 $5,895
3x4 $112 $193 $275 $357 $423 $780 $1,572 $1,965 $2,358 $3,144 $3,930 $7,860
4x4 $139 $248 $357 $449 $520 $1,048 $2,096 $2,620 $3,144 $4,192 $5,240 $10,480

5 mm or 3/16" SintraBoard(tm) Sintra

SintraBoard™ 5 mm or 3/16" sintra board is printed in full color, for indoor or outdoor use with fade resistant inks

5 mm or 3/16" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one side, full color
These signs originate from San Jose & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $34 $39 $43 $48 $52 $75 $120 $142 $165 $209 $254 $461
1.5x1 $37 $43 $50 $57 $64 $97 $165 $198 $232 $299 $366 $642
1x2 $39 $48 $57 $66 $75 $120 $209 $254 $299 $389 $461 $856
1.5x2 $43 $57 $70 $84 $97 $165 $299 $366 $418 $513 $642 $1,294
1x3 $43 $57 $70 $84 $97 $165 $299 $366 $418 $513 $642 $1,294
2x2 $48 $66 $84 $102 $120 $209 $389 $461 $513 $684 $856 $1,725
1x4 $48 $66 $84 $102 $120 $209 $389 $461 $513 $684 $856 $1,725
5x1 $52 $75 $97 $120 $142 $254 $461 $535 $642 $856 $1,078 $2,156
6x1 $57 $84 $111 $138 $165 $299 $513 $642 $770 $1,035 $1,294 $2,588
2x3 $57 $84 $111 $138 $165 $299 $513 $642 $770 $1,035 $1,294 $2,588
7x1 $61 $93 $124 $156 $187 $344 $599 $749 $906 $1,208 $1,509 $3,019
8x1 $66 $102 $138 $174 $209 $389 $684 $856 $1,035 $1,380 $1,725 $3,450
2x4 $66 $102 $138 $174 $209 $389 $684 $856 $1,035 $1,380 $1,725 $3,450
3x3 $70 $111 $151 $191 $232 $418 $770 $970 $1,164 $1,553 $1,941 $3,881
5x2 $75 $120 $165 $209 $254 $461 $856 $1,078 $1,294 $1,725 $2,156 $4,313
6x2 $84 $138 $191 $245 $299 $513 $1,035 $1,294 $1,553 $2,070 $2,588 $5,175
3x4 $84 $138 $191 $245 $299 $513 $1,035 $1,294 $1,553 $2,070 $2,588 $5,175
7x2 $93 $156 $218 $281 $344 $599 $1,208 $1,509 $1,811 $2,415 $3,019 $6,038
5x3 $97 $165 $232 $299 $366 $642 $1,294 $1,617 $1,941 $2,588 $3,234 $6,469
8x2 $102 $174 $245 $317 $389 $684 $1,380 $1,725 $2,070 $2,760 $3,450 $6,900
4x4 $102 $174 $245 $317 $389 $684 $1,380 $1,725 $2,070 $2,760 $3,450 $6,900
6x3 $111 $191 $272 $353 $418 $770 $1,553 $1,941 $2,329 $3,105 $3,881 $7,763
5x4 $120 $209 $299 $389 $461 $856 $1,725 $2,156 $2,588 $3,450 $4,313 $8,625
7x3 $124 $218 $313 $407 $483 $906 $1,811 $2,264 $2,717 $3,623 $4,528 $9,056
8x3 $138 $245 $353 $444 $513 $1,035 $2,070 $2,588 $3,105 $4,140 $5,175 $10,350
6x4 $138 $245 $353 $444 $513 $1,035 $2,070 $2,588 $3,105 $4,140 $5,175 $10,350
7x4 $156 $281 $407 $513 $599 $1,208 $2,415 $3,019 $3,623 $4,830 $6,038 $12,075
8x4 $174 $317 $444 $548 $684 $1,380 $2,760 $3,450 $4,140 $5,520 $6,900 $13,800

5 mm or 3/16" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed two sides, full color
These signs originate from San Jose & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $37 $43 $50 $57 $63 $96 $163 $196 $229 $296 $362 $634
1.5x1 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $130 $229 $279 $329 $413 $509 $958
1x2 $43 $57 $70 $83 $96 $163 $296 $362 $413 $507 $634 $1,278
1.5x2 $50 $70 $90 $110 $130 $229 $413 $509 $570 $760 $958 $1,916
1x3 $50 $70 $90 $110 $130 $229 $413 $509 $570 $760 $958 $1,916
2x2 $57 $83 $110 $136 $163 $296 $507 $634 $760 $1,022 $1,278 $2,555
1x4 $57 $83 $110 $136 $163 $296 $507 $634 $760 $1,022 $1,278 $2,555
5x1 $63 $96 $130 $163 $196 $362 $634 $792 $958 $1,278 $1,597 $3,194
6x1 $70 $110 $150 $189 $229 $413 $760 $958 $1,150 $1,533 $1,916 $3,833
2x3 $70 $110 $150 $189 $229 $413 $760 $958 $1,150 $1,533 $1,916 $3,833
7x1 $77 $123 $170 $216 $263 $444 $894 $1,118 $1,341 $1,789 $2,236 $4,471
8x1 $83 $136 $189 $243 $296 $507 $1,022 $1,278 $1,533 $2,044 $2,555 $5,110
2x4 $83 $136 $189 $243 $296 $507 $1,022 $1,278 $1,533 $2,044 $2,555 $5,110
3x3 $90 $150 $209 $269 $329 $570 $1,150 $1,437 $1,725 $2,300 $2,874 $5,749
5x2 $96 $163 $229 $296 $362 $634 $1,278 $1,597 $1,916 $2,555 $3,194 $6,388
6x2 $110 $189 $269 $349 $413 $760 $1,533 $1,916 $2,300 $3,066 $3,833 $7,665
3x4 $110 $189 $269 $349 $413 $760 $1,533 $1,916 $2,300 $3,066 $3,833 $7,665
7x2 $123 $216 $309 $402 $477 $894 $1,789 $2,236 $2,683 $3,577 $4,471 $8,943
5x3 $130 $229 $329 $413 $509 $958 $1,916 $2,395 $2,874 $3,833 $4,791 $9,581
8x2 $136 $243 $349 $439 $507 $1,022 $2,044 $2,555 $3,066 $4,088 $5,110 $10,220
4x4 $136 $243 $349 $439 $507 $1,022 $2,044 $2,555 $3,066 $4,088 $5,110 $10,220
6x3 $150 $269 $389 $490 $570 $1,150 $2,300 $2,874 $3,449 $4,599 $5,749 $11,498
5x4 $163 $296 $413 $507 $634 $1,278 $2,555 $3,194 $3,833 $5,110 $6,388 $12,775
7x3 $170 $309 $432 $532 $665 $1,341 $2,683 $3,353 $4,024 $5,366 $6,707 $13,414
8x3 $189 $349 $490 $608 $760 $1,533 $3,066 $3,833 $4,599 $6,132 $7,665 $15,330
6x4 $189 $349 $490 $608 $760 $1,533 $3,066 $3,833 $4,599 $6,132 $7,665 $15,330
7x4 $216 $402 $532 $710 $894 $1,789 $3,577 $4,471 $5,366 $7,154 $8,943 $17,885
8x4 $243 $439 $608 $811 $1,022 $2,044 $4,088 $5,110 $6,132 $8,176 $10,220 $20,440

6 mm or 1/4" SintraBoard(tm) Sintra

SintraBoard™ 6 mm or 1/4" sintra board is printed in full color, for indoor or outdoor use with fade resistant inks

6 mm or 1/4" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one side, full color
These signs originate from Los Angeles & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $35 $40 $46 $51 $56 $82 $134 $160 $186 $238 $290 $496
1.5x1 $38 $46 $53 $61 $69 $108 $186 $225 $264 $342 $405 $744
1x2 $40 $51 $61 $72 $82 $134 $238 $290 $342 $430 $496 $1,000
1.5x2 $46 $61 $77 $92 $108 $186 $342 $405 $480 $595 $744 $1,500
1x3 $46 $61 $77 $92 $108 $186 $342 $405 $480 $595 $744 $1,500
2x2 $51 $72 $92 $113 $134 $238 $430 $496 $595 $794 $1,000 $2,000
1x4 $51 $72 $92 $113 $134 $238 $430 $496 $595 $794 $1,000 $2,000
5x1 $56 $82 $108 $134 $160 $290 $496 $620 $744 $1,000 $1,250 $2,500
6x1 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $595 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
2x3 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $595 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
7x1 $66 $103 $139 $176 $212 $394 $694 $875 $1,050 $1,400 $1,750 $3,500
8x1 $72 $113 $155 $196 $238 $430 $794 $1,000 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000 $4,000
2x4 $72 $113 $155 $196 $238 $430 $794 $1,000 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000 $4,000
3x3 $77 $124 $170 $217 $264 $480 $900 $1,125 $1,350 $1,800 $2,250 $4,500
5x2 $82 $134 $186 $238 $290 $496 $1,000 $1,250 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $5,000
6x2 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $595 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
3x4 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $595 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
7x2 $103 $176 $248 $321 $394 $694 $1,400 $1,750 $2,100 $2,800 $3,500 $7,000
5x3 $108 $186 $264 $342 $405 $744 $1,500 $1,875 $2,250 $3,000 $3,750 $7,500
8x2 $113 $196 $280 $363 $430 $794 $1,600 $2,000 $2,400 $3,200 $4,000 $8,000
4x4 $113 $196 $280 $363 $430 $794 $1,600 $2,000 $2,400 $3,200 $4,000 $8,000
6x3 $124 $217 $311 $404 $480 $900 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 $9,000
5x4 $134 $238 $342 $430 $496 $1,000 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $10,000
7x3 $139 $248 $358 $450 $521 $1,050 $2,100 $2,625 $3,150 $4,200 $5,250 $10,500
8x3 $155 $280 $404 $510 $595 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $12,000
6x4 $155 $280 $404 $510 $595 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $12,000
7x4 $176 $321 $450 $556 $694 $1,400 $2,800 $3,500 $4,200 $5,600 $7,000 $14,000
8x4 $196 $363 $510 $635 $794 $1,600 $3,200 $4,000 $4,800 $6,400 $8,000 $16,000

6 mm or 1/4" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed two sides, full color
These signs originate from Los Angeles & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
ft. x ft. 1 sign 2 signs 3 signs 4 signs 5 signs 10 signs 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs 100 signs
1x1 $40 $51 $61 $72 $82 $134 $238 $290 $342 $430 $496 $1,000
1.5x1 $46 $61 $77 $92 $108 $186 $342 $405 $480 $595 $744 $1,500
1x2 $51 $72 $92 $113 $134 $238 $430 $496 $595 $794 $1,000 $2,000
1.5x2 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $595 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
1x3 $61 $92 $124 $155 $186 $342 $595 $744 $900 $1,200 $1,500 $3,000
2x2 $72 $113 $155 $196 $238 $430 $794 $1,000 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000 $4,000
1x4 $72 $113 $155 $196 $238 $430 $794 $1,000 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000 $4,000
5x1 $82 $134 $186 $238 $290 $496 $1,000 $1,250 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $5,000
6x1 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $595 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
2x3 $92 $155 $217 $280 $342 $595 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $6,000
7x1 $103 $176 $248 $321 $394 $694 $1,400 $1,750 $2,100 $2,800 $3,500 $7,000
8x1 $113 $196 $280 $363 $430 $794 $1,600 $2,000 $2,400 $3,200 $4,000 $8,000
2x4 $113 $196 $280 $363 $430 $794 $1,600 $2,000 $2,400 $3,200 $4,000 $8,000
3x3 $124 $217 $311 $404 $480 $900 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 $9,000
5x2 $134 $238 $342 $430 $496 $1,000 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $10,000
6x2 $155 $280 $404 $510 $595 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $12,000
3x4 $155 $280 $404 $510 $595 $1,200 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $12,000
7x2 $176 $321 $450 $556 $694 $1,400 $2,800 $3,500 $4,200 $5,600 $7,000 $14,000
5x3 $186 $342 $480 $595 $744 $1,500 $3,000 $3,750 $4,500 $6,000 $7,500 $15,000
8x2 $196 $363 $510 $635 $794 $1,600 $3,200 $4,000 $4,800 $6,400 $8,000 $16,000
4x4 $196 $363 $510 $635 $794 $1,600 $3,200 $4,000 $4,800 $6,400 $8,000 $16,000
6x3 $217 $404 $536 $714 $900 $1,800 $3,600 $4,500 $5,400 $7,200 $9,000 $18,000
5x4 $238 $430 $595 $794 $1,000 $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $20,000
7x3 $248 $450 $625 $833 $1,050 $2,100 $4,200 $5,250 $6,300 $8,400 $10,500 $21,000
8x3 $280 $510 $714 $960 $1,200 $2,400 $4,800 $6,000 $7,200 $9,600 $12,000 $24,000
6x4 $280 $510 $714 $960 $1,200 $2,400 $4,800 $6,000 $7,200 $9,600 $12,000 $24,000
7x4 $321 $556 $833 $1,120 $1,400 $2,800 $5,600 $7,000 $8,400 $11,200 $14,000 $28,000
8x4 $363 $635 $960 $1,280 $1,600 $3,200 $6,400 $8,000 $9,600 $12,800 $16,000 $32,000

3 mm (1/8") or 6 mm (1/4") SintraBoard(tm) Sintra sold by the board

SintraBoard™ 3 mm or 1/8" and 6 mm or 1/4" sintra board sold by the board (48"x96"), printed in full color, for indoor or outdoor use with fade resistant inks

3 mm or 1/8" or 6mm SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one or two sides in full color
used indoor/outdoor with fade resistant inks
These signs originate from Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Phoenix or Las Vegas & ship anywhere, call 216.227.8521 or email us for a quote. We don't mark up shipping.
NOTE: As long as your boards are the same size, you can group different arts and get the quantity discount.

10 signs sized: 18x24
2 signs sized: 48x48 or 36x36 or 36x48
3 signs sized: 32x48 or 28x44
4 signs sized: 48x24 or 36x24
5 signs sized: 24x36 or 18x48
6 signs sized: 24x30 or 24x32 or 22x28 or 20x30
8 signs sized: 20x24 or 24x24
9 signs sized: 16x32
12 signs sized: 14x24 or 16x24 or 14x22
16 signs sized: 18x12 or 12x24
18 signs sized: 16x16
24 signs sized: 12x16 or 24x8
27 signs sized: 14x10
32 signs sized: 11x11 or 12x12 or 6x24
48 signs sized: 12x8

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one side in full color
# of 18x24 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost # of 24x24 signs price per 24x24 sign total cost # of 24x36 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost
10 $19.25 $193 8 $24.06 $193 5 $38.50 $193
20 $17.75 $355 16 $22.19 $355 10 $35.50 $355
30 $16.63 $499 24 $20.78 $499 15 $33.25 $499
40 $16.38 $655 32 $20.47 $655 20 $32.75 $655
50 $16.23 $811 40 $20.28 $811 25 $32.45 $811
60 $16.13 $968 48 $20.16 $968 30 $32.25 $968
70 $16.05 $1,124 56 $20.07 $1,124 35 $32.11 $1,124
80 $16.00 $1,280 64 $20.00 $1,280 40 $32.00 $1,280
90 $15.96 $1,436 72 $19.95 $1,436 45 $31.92 $1,436
100 $15.93 $1,593 80 $19.91 $1,593 50 $31.85 $1,593
150 $15.83 $2,374 120 $19.78 $2,374 75 $31.65 $2,374
200 $15.78 $3,155 160 $19.72 $3,155 100 $31.55 $3,155
250 $15.75 $3,936 200 $19.68 $3,936 125 $31.49 $3,936

For the other sizes mentioned at the top of section, you will get the number of signs shown above multiplied x $193 for each 4'x8' sheet.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 216.227.8521 or just <a href="mailto:fullcolorprintings@gmail.com" target="blank">email</a> us.

3 mm or 1/8" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed two sides in full color
# of 18x24 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost # of 24x24 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost # of 24x36 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost
10 $28.13 $225 8 $28.13 $225 5 $45.00 $225
20 $26.25 $420 16 $26.25 $420 10 $42.00 $420
30 $24.69 $593 24 $24.69 $593 15 $39.50 $593
40 $24.38 $780 32 $24.38 $780 20 $39.00 $780
50 $24.19 $968 40 $24.19 $968 25 $38.70 $968
60 $24.06 $1,155 48 $24.06 $1,155 30 $38.50 $1,155
70 $23.97 $1,343 56 $23.97 $1,343 35 $38.36 $1,343
80 $23.91 $1,530 64 $23.91 $1,530 40 $38.25 $1,530
90 $23.85 $1,718 72 $23.85 $1,718 45 $38.17 $1,718
100 $23.81 $1,905 80 $23.81 $1,905 50 $38.10 $1,905
150 $23.69 $2,843 120 $23.69 $2,843 75 $37.90 $2,843
200 $23.63 $3,780 160 $23.63 $3,780 100 $37.80 $3,780
250 $23.59 $4,718 200 $23.59 $4,718 125 $37.74 $4,718

For the other sizes mentioned at the top of this section, you will get the number of signs shown above multiplied x $225 for each 4'x8' sheet.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 216.227.8521 or just <a href="mailto:fullcolorprintings@gmail.com" target="blank">email</a> us.

6 mm or 1/4" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed one side in full color
# of 18x24 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost # of 24x24 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost # of 24x36 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost
10 $28.13 $225 8 $28.13 $225 5 $45.00 $225
20 $26.25 $420 16 $26.25 $420 10 $42.00 $420
30 $24.69 $593 24 $24.69 $593 15 $39.50 $593
40 $24.38 $780 32 $24.38 $780 20 $39.00 $780
50 $24.19 $968 40 $24.19 $968 25 $38.70 $968
60 $24.06 $1,155 48 $24.06 $1,155 30 $38.50 $1,155
70 $23.97 $1,343 56 $23.97 $1,343 35 $38.36 $1,343
80 $23.91 $1,530 64 $23.91 $1,530 40 $38.25 $1,530
90 $23.85 $1,718 72 $23.85 $1,718 45 $38.17 $1,718
100 $23.81 $1,905 80 $23.81 $1,905 50 $38.10 $1,905
150 $23.69 $2,843 120 $23.69 $2,843 75 $37.90 $2,843
200 $23.63 $3,780 160 $23.63 $3,780 100 $37.80 $3,780
250 $23.59 $4,718 200 $23.59 $4,718 125 $37.74 $4,718

For the other sizes mentioned at the top of this section, you will get the number of signs shown above multiplied x $225 for each 4'x8' sheet.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 216.227.8521 or just <a href="mailto:fullcolorprintings@gmail.com" target="blank">email</a> us.

6 mm or 1/4" SintraBoard™ pvc rigid signs printed two sides in full color
# of 18x24 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost # of 24x24 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost # of 24x36 signs price per 18x24 sign total cost
10 $32.19 $258 8 $32.19 $258 5 $51.50 $258
20 $30.31 $485 16 $30.31 $485 10 $48.50 $485
30 $28.59 $686 24 $28.59 $686 15 $45.75 $686
40 $28.28 $905 32 $28.28 $905 20 $45.25 $905
50 $28.09 $1,124 40 $28.09 $1,124 25 $44.95 $1,124
60 $27.97 $1,343 48 $27.97 $1,343 30 $44.75 $1,343
70 $27.88 $1,561 56 $27.88 $1,561 35 $44.61 $1,561
80 $27.81 $1,780 64 $27.81 $1,780 40 $44.50 $1,780
90 $27.76 $1,999 72 $27.76 $1,999 45 $44.42 $1,999
100 $27.72 $2,218 80 $27.72 $2,218 50 $44.35 $2,218
150 $27.59 $3,311 120 $27.59 $3,311 75 $44.15 $3,311
200 $27.53 $4,405 160 $27.53 $4,405 100 $44.05 $4,405
250 $27.49 $5,499 200 $27.49 $5,499 125 $43.99 $5,499

For the other sizes mentioned at the top of this section, you will get the number of signs shown above multiplied x $175 for each 4'x8' sheet.
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 216.227.8521 or just <a href="mailto:fullcolorprintings@gmail.com" target="blank">email</a> us.